27 August 2009

Attending Environmental Seminars today

Today was my hectic day.

At Keppel Club, I helped out and attended the IGOLF Forum in the morning and afternoon. The forum was such an enriching and interesting one. The topics were covered on turf diseases, biodiversity conservation, water & energy conservation. They were presented by the turf professionals, managers & doctors as well as IGOLF representatives from Switzerland & Thailand. After the presentations, I made a first move to introduce myself to them and to know them better during the coffee break. Managed to exchange our name cards each other so that we could interact, share and learn in the turf & environmental fields via email. For promoting environmental and green causes @ Keppel Club, I have been working closely with IGOLF, National Parks Board, Nature Society (Singapore) and Public Utilities Board.

Keppel Club & IGOLF working together to make the forum a great success.
Turf professionals, managers & doctors attending the IGOLF seminar at Keppel Club.
Leaving the IGOLF forum halfway, I rushed to Botany Centre at Singapore Botanic Garden by a taxi at 2.30pm. From there, I also went for other seminar, organised by Singapore Environment Council. It was about Energy Efficiency, presented by environmental professionals from Denmark. Have learnt about the good Denmark government system, which supports the renewable energy such as solar, heat and wind energy. Compared to Denmark, Singapore really does not practice much on renewable energy. Necessary actions and efforts are really needed to be done in Singapore. Do you know that Danish government have implemented green taxes for people who use carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and pollutant gases? It made my eyes widely open... And if you invest in buying the energy-saving devices for commerical buildings & homes, it will reduce the running costs. This leads to saving a lot of money- more GDP is generated. These savings, in turn, can be spent for good domestic uses & benefits.

Beyond horticulture and landscape management, I am extremely happy to explore new things that are related to the environment. It sounds very interesting! Yay!

23 August 2009

Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards 2008/2009

Hooary! Keppel Club has won the Singapore Environmental Merit Winner Award 08/09!

Behind this winning secret, I was the one who actually prepared, wrote, took photographs, designed and compiled the 133-page report submission to the Singapore Environment Council. : ) It is really about the hard work I have done so far. My hard work has finally paid off... I know my disability has not stopped me from going in extra miles. Deafness makes me work doubly hard to achieve the mark. It is all against the odds!

Winning this award, my high-level management team and I were invited to attend the Singapore Green Summit Award at Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom on 28 July 2009. However, my high-fever (38.6 C), running nose, cough, sneezing and body aches overcame me at around 2am at home on that day. This seemed as if I could have H1N1 symptoms. Feeling worried, I was then rushed and admitted to CGH with my parents in a taxi immediately. Upon the arrival at CGH, the doctor examined me for about 15 to 30 mins. He said that I was down with just a common flu and had to stay at home for 7 days. Wah, this was so long that I missed the golden opportunity to witness the Awards Ceremony.

Nevertheless, I am still contented that Keppel Club has received this Award. Congrats to the Keppel Club! I also wanted to give much thanks to my Heavenly Father. Because I had been depending on Him all the way as I was doing the submission report. Give praises to the Lord for His Blessings upon me! Thank you, my Savior!