30 July 2009

Evian Roller Babies advertisement


I love the beautiful & "natural" dance of Evian Roller babies. The body languages of babies are pretty nice! Cheerios!
How I wished I could be one of them to roll and dance on the streets gracefully!!! : )

19 July 2009

Touched by my dear sis' testimony

In the church service today, I was deeply touched by my dear sis' testimony.

In front of people, Char stood on the stage with David Wee (pastor). She told them that she had been waiting to get hearing aids for 4 years. Finally, time had come to her. She was very grateful to me because I was willing to give my hearing aids to her. It was the Holy Spirit who had told me earlier. My heart was filled with peace after giving and meeting my sis' needs. Upon seeing my sister's nice smile, it gave me utmost satisfaction , happiness and joy. After all, I wanted to extend and give thanks to God for His blessings upon my sister.

I wanted to share my true story with you.

When I saw Isaac calling his mum at her back, she did not respond anything to him. She was hearing-impaired. She could not hear anything, except for loud sounds. In my eyes, I really understood how Isaac felt after trying to call his mum. Feeling sorry for him. Then something started to flare up in me. "How I would REALLY wish I could give my hearing aids to my sister. This would eventually break down the communication barrier between her and her son.".... The Holy Spirit slowly spoke to me that it was right to give my hearing aids to her. God's peace and happiness started to glow in my heart. I decided to follow and do what my heart wanted to.

Want to share God's verse with you:

Each one should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily. And God can give you more blessings than you need. Then you will always have plenty of everything - enough to give to every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

17 July 2009

Neck Exercise -- It works!

Today, I read my collegue's funny email in my office. It made me read by moving my head to the left side and then to the right side many times in front of my computer screen.. Do you know why my head moved in such a "crazy" way?

Read yourself below:

"A doctor advises his patients to exercise their neck by just reading this message.

In the end, all patients go home happily without asking the doctor for any medications. 'It is very effective,' said the doctor.

'All my patients never come back to me again.'

Hahahaha... hehehe!!! Funny, isn't it? My neck exercise finally worked! : P

14 July 2009

Spending great time with my whole family.

Hi my avid readers,

After the deaf church service on last Sunday, Char, Alan, Isaac (my cute nephew) and I planned to pay a visit to my parents at home.

Before reaching home, Isaac stared at and admired me for a while as we walked together to the carpark. Then he asked in voice and sign language:

Isaac: How tall are you?
Me: 1.80m ++. Do you want to be like me in future?
Isaac: …… Yes, but 2.2m.
Me: Oh my gosh! 2.2m?? *Grinning*. Haha, I will teach you how to get tall and taller.
Isaac: *Nodding*
Me: *Smiling as I looked at him below*

Upon reaching at the carpark, I was asked to drive the 5 seat pick-up vehicle by Alan. Accepted his request. Before we were about to travel, I asked all of them to pray for our safety. After the prayer, I began to drive and cruise smoothly along the expressway. It was cool. : ) Arriving home safely, my parents were very happy to see us. Mum cooked and catered lunch for our stomach to be filled tremendously. Yummy!

In the night, all of my family went out to East Coast Park for dinner. Enjoyed having great makan together there. Thank God for this great time! Amen!

P/S: This clearly shows that it is important to focus on and build up our family relationship. : )

08 July 2009


Greetings from Ronald,

It has been ages since I wrote the last blog. Pretty busy doing stuffs at work and home. Phew!

Today, I was looking for deaf funny videos on YouTUBE. Grabbed a chance to watch 'ASL LAUGHS' videos. They were so hilarous that made me laugh until my stomach came out from my mouth! Hehehe! I love The number one JohnABC joke!!!

Enjoy watching the videos:

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zeYdTjNrBg&feature=related
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycws2lM7TU0&feature=related
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qpsbHPn1qk&feature=related

In my mind and observation, ASL (American Sign Language) creates a lot of actions, feelings and gestures, compared to other sign languages such as SEE (Sign Exact English).

Watching these funny deaf videos has made my day! : )