06 October 2009

Winning PUB Watermark Award '09!

The best day has arrived for me. Phew!

On last Tuesday, I rushed to attend PUB Watermark Award Ceremony at Marina Barrage after my work. Feeling deserved and honoured to receive the prestigious award from the government board, Public Utilities Board (PUB) for recognition of water conservation & efforts @ Keppel Club (K.C). It has brought great happiness and joy to K.C staff. The other winners are big organisations - CapitalLand, HDB and Hitachi.

Ronald holding PUB Watermark Award '09

From left to right in a row: Peter (Newsletter Conveyor), Vicki (Admin Executive), Sook Fun (Communications & Marketing Manager), Desmond (Deputy General Manager), John (Captain), Edwin (President), Tahir (Vice Captain), Gene (Communications Executive), Ronald (Horticulture Officer).

Keppel Club goes green! Come and join us in going greener! Yeah!

Go Green with Keppel Club stickers to outreach visitors / guests in going green.

Besides Singapore Environment Achievement Award this year, it is ME who prepared, planned and compiled the PUB Watermark Award submission once again! : ) My deputy general manager (DGM) said “Well done!”. I am very contented. Upon hearing from the high-level management committee of K.C, they praised me for doing well in my great job in spite of my hearing-impairment. I know that my DGM told them about this earlier. Anyway, I have to continue to work hard BUT remember to take it easy. Liao! My DGM is going to throw lunch retreat for us later on! = )

On last Wednesday, it made me happy again. Because Keppel Club was featured in the Straits Times Newspaper. Please refer to the article below.

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